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3.1.31:Offline package R/W

1:Offline loading when project is not saved

When loading a project offline, if the current data is not saved as a project file, you will see the following message.


Consist of:

  • [Yes]: Save the project file to prevent data loss, select this option when you need to save it.
  • [No]: do not save the project file, this option will generate the cache without the need for the user to choose the save location, in order to prevent the data from being read, the password will use a random password.
  • [No longer prompt]: Do not save the project file and do not prompt this option, other functions and [No] consistent.

2:Adjustments to the Save and load project


Project Password: Project Password, will prompt for a maximum of 16 characters, can be left blank.

Project Path: When you open a project file, you must select the project path, and when you save the project, if you don't select the project path, the cache path will be randomly generated.

3:Adjustments for reading offline project files


If the offline project file is successfully read, you will be prompted whether to load the project immediately to avoid overwriting the current project file and losing data.

4:How to turn prompting back on after choosing not to prompt again

GIF 2024-4-15 11-04-54