4.4 Serial assistant
The Power Debugger integrates an automatic serial port assistant to automatically connect the corresponding device according to the working mode of the device. In local USB mode, the serial port assistant connects to the serial port on the receiver. In local WIFI mode, LAN mode, and public network mode, the serial port on the receiving end is connected to the serial port on the transmitter. The user interface is as follows:
4.4.1 Data receive buffer
The receiving buffer will display the data received by the serial port in real time, and the hexadecimal and text modes can be switched by switching the receiving data mode function.
Click theCopy, Clear, Save buttonCopy, clear, save to a file, or display a timestamp for receiving buffer data.
4.4.2 Data sending buffer
Fill in the data in the send buffer, or load hexadecimal data from the file, or text, execute the send button, you can complete the data send, by switching the send data mode function, switch the send data to string or hexadecimal data (RAW),
- Can be copied and cleared by
button copies and clears data in the receiving buffer.
- The stability of the forwarding service can be tested by short-circuiting the receiverRX and TX pins to perform a serial port self-test.
4.4.3 Serial port parameter Settings
- Baud rate : Set the baud rate of the serial port.
- Parity: Sets the check bit of the serial port. The default value is none. You can select odd check or even check.
- Data bit: Default is 8bit, can be switched in 5, 6, 7, 8bit.
- Stop bit: The default bit is 1bit, which can be switched between 1bit, 1.5bit and 2bit.
- Encoding: Default GB2312, can be switched in UTF-8, GB2312.
- Data Receiving mode: You can switch between hexadecimal and text modes as well as waveform display modes.
4.4.4 Send data format Settings
- Hexadecimal: Default sending format, data will be sent as is.
- Text: Data will be converted to string mode for sending. (There will be a \0 terminator at the end).
- Load file : The data to be sent can be loaded from the file, and the file type will be automatically recognized as a text file or a hexadecimal file.
- Sending period: When sending files, optional interval of each packet, the default is 20, the unit is ms, can be adjusted according to the network environment used (to avoid packet loss)
- Line break:Set the newline mode in the sending string mode, can be \r\n(Windows)、\r(Linux)、\n(MacOS)。
In different systems, the corresponding line feed mode is automatically selected and can be switched manually.
- As a proxy serial port tool, it contains the cache design, there will be a certain delay, when large-scale data needs to be sent, it may cause overflow, and will display overflow tags in the accept buffer, in order to avoid these potential problems, it is recommended to use integrated serial port assistant. A series of optimizations have been made for the Power Debugger appliance.
- Through the serial port self-check function, you can check whether the current serial port Settings can work stably (before using this function, you need to short-circuit the receiver RX and TX).
4.4.5 Serial waveform display
Support RAW format (binary) display format, this mode can achieve the best communication efficiency (data alignment problems caused by packet loss can be sent at intervals "PDSY" for synchronization), for example
Support text mode, this mode can provide convenience, format frame: "frame header | data | frame tail", for example
All basic data types are supported
Supports waveform color customization
Support scaling
Support automatic scrolling